Shipping Policy
Thank you for shopping with Micronack Technologies LLC DBA!
We try our best to ship your products as soon as possible.

It is important that you provide a valid street address to receive your order.
Additional charges may apply if you give us an incorrect street address, or worse your order could get lost!

Be sure to give us a valid email address to receive your tracking info.
Be sure to watch your junk folder for emails from us,,,, and

All items are sent in a priority mail package or a plain brown box with a return address of Micronack Technologies LLC.
BDSM-GEAR will not be on your package anywhere. There will be nothing on your package that hints at what's inside.

90% of our items are custom made to YOUR specifications.
Depending on how busy we are, it could take anywhere from THREE to TEN WORKING DAYS (ie., no holidays or weekends) UNLESS PRIOR arrangements are made.
Please allow additional shipping time for weekends and Holidays.

Our current delivery time:

Our furniture is hand made in the USA, in our shop, when you order it.
We do not mass produce furniture, and therefore we do not keep any of it in stock.
Each piece is made one at a time by our skilled craftsmen, to your specifications.
You get to pick the colors, and on some pieces some sizes like wrist holes.
Because of this it takes a while to ship.
The time above is fairly accurate. It actually does take that long.
We do not accept rush orders on furniture.